Last Sunday was the birthday party for my friend's daughter. A beautiful hand beaded headband from Cost Plus gave me the idea of what the rest of the birthday gift would be. Both mother and daughter are into natural fibers and free form artist styles. Is the style still called BoHo? Easy fit and drawstrings were my inspiration for these gifts for this little girl. My thoughts and experiences with drawstring peasant garments is a child can almost grow into adulthood with a garment that has so much adjust-ability.
Anyway these were fun projects. . . a remnant of white eyelet and white eyelet trim cut free form into a peasant style sleeveless top with a drawstring at that ties at the neck. The drawstring bag has 5 pockets that circle the entire lower portion of the outer bag. Two very long drawstring gives the bag the diversity to be used as a backpack or an over the shoulder bag. The bag is roomy enough to be used as an overnight bag as well.
Just a little about Miss Blue's Mom--Simibi. When you look at the images here you can see what I mean about natural fibers and artisit style. Simibi Kali is an artist, photographer, writer,
actress, alchemist ( She has just started a new product line "KALI alkemi" that features essential oils, bath salts and fragrances.